D-Day Anniversary

D-Day Anniversary

On Thursday 6th June, the crew participated in the 80th Anniversary event commemorating the D-Day landings organised by the Mundesley Parish Council. Dave Francis, Coxswain, ignited the beacon, while Second Coxswain Jason O’Toole illuminated our own lamp of...
‘Christmas Light Challenge’ Donation

‘Christmas Light Challenge’ Donation

9-year-old Jessica courageously embarked on a mission to count all the Christmas lights in North Walsham. She walked an impressive total of 12,000 steps during her quest. Through her efforts, she managed to raise a remarkable £320, which she proudly presented to Wendy...
Boxing Day Dip 2023

Boxing Day Dip 2023

Hundreds of spectators gathered to witness the courageous dippers taking the plunge into the invigorating waters of the North Sea. The event aimed to raise funds for two local charities, Mundesley Surf Lifesaving and NCI Mundesley. The generous donations from the...
Holt Fishing Club Donation

Holt Fishing Club Donation

The Holt fishing club generously donated £100 following their fishing match on Weybourne beach. We extend our sincere gratitude for their continued support. Pictured is Wendy Copping, Chair of the Friends fundraising committee accepting the cheque.
Pot of Gold Sea Shanty Concert

Pot of Gold Sea Shanty Concert

Get ready to set sail on a musical adventure with ‘The Pot of Gold’ shanty crew! On 30th September 2023, at 7.30. They will be performing a sea shanty music concert at the Coronation Hall in Mundesley. It’s going to be a night filled with toe-tapping...
First Day for Our New Launch Tractor

First Day for Our New Launch Tractor

Today we succesfully operated our new Softrak launch and recovery tractor on the beach. The tractor is a complex piece of equipment requiring trained drivers to operate it. Each of the drivers has to have successfully completed their ‘Class h’...